Nasty Women Chicago Author Panel

I was fortunate enough to go to the Nasty Women Author Panel in Chicago last night.  The event was sponsored by the Women and Children First book store and hosted at Wilson Abbey (you have to pass by Everybody’s Coffee, which has the best Pumpkin Spice Latte I’ve tried this season).

THIS EVENT WAS AMAZING!!  I am so glad I went, because it provided some much needed clarity, humor, and solidarity for feminism in Trump’s America.  Especially this week, with no shortage of horrible news for women.  The panel included NASTY WOMEN contributors Kate Harding, Samantha Irby, Samhita Mukhopadhyay, and Sarah Hollenbeck with special guest Megan Stielstra.  All 5 women were incredible, and I was in tears listening to stories of their bravery in such a shitty Trump world.  For Sam Irby, I was also in tears from laughing so hard.

I am three essays into the book Nasty Women, and I already have recommended it to every friend and family member I’ve spoken to today.  I’m also going to order Sam Irby’s We Are Never Meeting In Real Life.  After laughing as hard as I have in months while listening to her read, I realized I need more humor like hers in my life.  Kate Harding is also a hero of mine for her book Asking for It: The Alarming Rise of Rape Culture and What We Can Do about It.  It helped me process what happened in Steubenville, OH (my hometown), and realize that is a term for the rape culture I was surrounded by but couldn’t name.

So everyone, check out Nasty Women and all of the contributors’ works!  It will help you survive in Trump’s regressive world.



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